Curriculum and Instruction

1. What Is Olive Branch’s approach to curriculum and classroom instruction?

We believe in high-caliber, hands-on, real-world knowledge and skills. This means that we believe that children, under the right environment and guidance, will thrive when presented with challenges in their learning environment. When they find the knowledge they are learning in the classroom to be relevant to the real world, engaging and hands-on, they will be compelled and driven to extend their inquiry and learn more. Our courses are designed to encourage just that!

2. What curriculum does Olive Branch use in Math/Science/English LA/Social Studies?

All of our curricula are custom-made and designed to align with our vision for high-caliber, hands-on, real-world knowledge and skills. Our curricula meet or exceed state standards in an engaging and compelling way while also having room to differentiate for your child’s levels.

3. How do you ensure that your courses live up to the high-caliber learning that you are offering?

Our curriculum and teaching approach is carefully crafted for our Learning Center. Firstly, our courses are custom designed by professional educational consultants for our learning center and made to align with our mission, vision, and guiding principles. Curriculum content is challenging and engaging at the same time. Hands-on and real-world knowledge are incorporated, and differentiation is a key component within the classroom. Secondly, we have ensured that all state standards are at least met and many times exceeded in each grade level. We also pull content from curricula that have proven results, are known for their rigor, and allow for acceleration and differentiation. Thirdly, we hire only experienced educators that know how to be gentle yet firm, and an encouraging, guiding hand in your child’s learning journey. We offer them training on specific aspects that we highly value, such as rigor/challenge/differentiation. Fourthly, we keep parents in the loop every step of the way. Parents will receive weekly updates on their child’s progress and content covered in class. Regular surveys will be sent out to ensure that no parent’s concerns are left unaddressed. Finally, we offer parents the option to have their child take standardized testing (NWEA MAP) in Mathematics, Reading, Language (grades 2+), and Science (grades 3+) once every term to further demonstrate your child’s growth in learning over the course of the year as well as their performance relative to their peers in the same grade. The results from these tests also give teachers more tools to differentiate for your child in the classroom. Please note that testing is purely optional.

4. How is Islam incorporated into the Learning Center courses?

In addition to Islamic Studies and Quran courses, we strive to establish Islamic connections within the class environment through initiatives such as weekly/monthly themes and activities, and making connections with Islamic teachings, values, and traditions. For example, our Social Studies curriculum will cover not only topics and regions of the world that are typically covered in a secular curriculum, but we also complement each unit with perspectives and history relevant to Islamic civilizations and traditions.

Enrollment and Levels

5. How do I determine what level is appropriate for my child?

Please select the level that corresponds to your child’s current grade level. Each level is designed to be challenging and engaging. Please do not select a level more than 1 grade above your child’s default grade level based on the year they were born (default public school level). Remember that our courses are challenging, and there is room to further differentiate for your child within the class. We will only accept children that are 5 years or older by September 3rd in level 1.

6. Will you assess my child at the start of the term?

There are multiple ways in which your child will be assessed. Formally, your child will be receiving low-pressure, in-class assessment to help determine their starting level. We are also offering optional standardized testing once each term to help you see your child’s progress and performance relative to his/her peers. Informally, your child’s instructor will conduct observations and casual in-class assessments to ensure your child is thriving academically, socially, and emotionally in the course.

7. What if my child is above/below their grade level?

Our courses are challenging, and there is room to further differentiate for your child within the class. We maintain a low student-to-instructor ratio to allow for your child to receive individualized attention. Our instructors are trained on how to gently move your child ahead in their learning, no matter what their starting point. In addition, we will constantly maintain contact with you and your child throughout the term to ensure you are satisfied with your child’s level of progress. Therefore, please do not select a level that is more than 1 grade level ahead of their default grade level (public school grade). If you feel that your child is below grade level, please let us know at the start of the term. The instructor will maintain close contact with you to ensure that your child is at the correct level. We will only accept children that are 5 years or older by September 3rd in level 1.

8. May I enroll my child in the middle of a term?

If there are any open seats in your desired course, you may enroll your child anytime, and we will prorate the tuition for you.

9. What if my child is on the waitlist?

If your child is unable to secure a seat before the course fills up, he/she will be waitlisted. If anyone withdraws from the course, we will offer the seat to students according to their position on the waitlist. The best time to try again to register for a spot is at the start of the next term as there may be some changes in student schedules and registrations.

Assessments and Progress

10. How will I know my child’s progress in the course?

Every week, you will receive a summary of the week’s class material taught along with comments from the instructor on your child’s progress. You will have the opportunity to conference with your child’s instructor once every term. However, if you have any questions at any other time, you may talk to or meet with your child’s instructor.

11. How do I know what my child is learning?

At the start of the term, you will receive a course syllabus outlining the topics covered throughout the course. You will also receive a summary of each week’s classes along with comments on your child’s progress from the instructor.

12. Will my child be given assessments and if so, what will that look like?

There are multiple ways in which your child will be assessed. Formally, your child will be receiving low-pressure, in-class assessments to help determine their grasp of the material. This may be in the form of completing a unit-long project to show their mastery. It may be a simple written assessment. We also offer optional standardized testing once each term to help you see your child’s progress and performance relative to his/her peers. Your child is not required to take this test. It is purely optional. Informally, your child’s instructor will be conducting observations and casual in-class assessments to ensure that your child is thriving academically, socially, and emotionally in the course.

13. Will my student be given a grade for the course?

We do not use the traditional A-F/0-100 grading systems. Instead, we use a three-tiered approach: Fully Proficient, Partially Proficient, and Not Yet Proficient. Your child’s work will be assessed throughout the term, and feedback will be given. Using clearly defined rubrics, children will be given the opportunity to improve upon their work if necessary. At the end of the course, your child’s instructor will evaluate your child’s level of progress in the course, but there will not be a final letter grade for the course.

Classroom Environment

14. Will my child be sitting at a desk for an hour and a half?

Definitely not! Each class is composed of several segments of instruction and breaks. While each instructor has the freedom to make some changes, generally speaking, class will start with a review of previous material through engaging exercises, introduction of new material, break, project work and collaboration times, individual work, and daily recap. We value hands-on, real-world skills, so we expect that much of class time will involve plenty of movement and activity within the classroom.

15. What are your drop-off and pick-up procedures?

We expect parents to drop off their children on time at the start of each class. The first portion of class time will be for review of previous material, and it is important for your child to maintain the material learned in previous weeks. If your child is enrolled in multiple classes, you may pick up your child at the end of his or her last course. They will be supervised during any intermediate breaks. Please be ready to pick up your child at the end of their last class. After ten minutes, a late fee will be charged.

16. Late pick-up policy:

Parents are expected to pick up their children as soon as the class ends. A grace period of 10 minutes will be given. After 10 minutes, parents will be charged $15 for every ten minutes that they are late.

Enrichment and Activities

17. Are you offering any onsite enrichment modules?

In term 1 of 2024, we only offer off-site enrichment courses (coming soon, inshaAllah). In subsequent terms, with enough interest from our students, we plan to introduce onsite modules such as technology courses, typing classes, cooking classes, and more!

18. Will the children be going on field trips?

Our curriculum emphasizes hands-on learning and real-life applications. Students will attend field trips relevant to the material they are learning in class.

They may also be taking trips to settings where they can see real-life applications of the material they are learning.

19. What about fun events and activities?

In addition to the enrichment activities we will offer off-site on Fridays, we will also hold on-site activities and events to help foster a dynamic, engaging, and fun environment for all!

Parent Involvement and Communication

20. How do I give feedback on my child’s course or about Olive Branch Learning Center in general?

Parental feedback is critical to the success and growth of Olive Branch Prep. Your feedback directly determines the direction of our growth. Therefore, we have multiple ways in which you can give us feedback. At the start of the term, you will be receiving a parent intake form. Please fill it out honestly and thoroughly. We will also send out quick surveys to gauge your thoughts during the term. At the end of the term, you will receive a course completion survey. In addition, you may email us at admin@olivebranchprep.org or talk to any of our administrative team members directly if you have any concerns or feedback that you would like to give directly.

21. What kind of parental involvement is required?

You are not required to commit to any involvement other than picking up and dropping off your children on time and meeting with your child’s teacher once per term.

22. Can parents volunteer to help out or teach at the learning center?

Though we do not require parental involvement, we do welcome all parent volunteers. Your participation is critical to our growth and success. Please email contact@olivebranchprep.org or talk to an administrator to find out how you can help!

23. Will you have an open house?

Yes, insha’Allah. We will hold a virtual information session in June and an onsite open house in August, inshaAllah. The virtual information session will give you an overview of all the aspects of the Learning Center, from enrollment to classes, teachers, location, schedule, etc. You will also have an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. The open house will be an opportunity for you to tour the property, meet the teachers, and get to know other families and children. Stay tuned for the dates.


24. How do I withdraw my child from a course?

Simply email contact@olivebranchprep.org, and we will get that taken care of for you. Please note, that after the first week of classes, you will still be charged for the remainder of the term. Your child may continue to attend classes until the end of the term, even if you have withdrawn them. Once the term ends, you will not be charged for the next term, and your child will no longer have a seat in the course.

25. How many students are in each course?

We strive to keep a low student-to-instructor ratio. Each course will have 10-12 students.

26. Is Olive Branch Learning Center a full-time school?

No, Olive Branch Learning Center is not a school. Though the parent organization, Olive Branch Preparatory School, is working on starting a full-time Islamic School in the near future, insha’Allah, the Learning Center is a separate project. Olive Branch Learning Center offers high-quality instructional courses and enrichment classes for homeschooling students at an affordable price. Courses only meet once or twice a week. You may use the courses to cover the material in each course for the full year, or you may partially supplement as you like.

27. How will I get the materials I need to submit for their homeschooling portfolio?

Every student will compile a portfolio binder or folder of their work in class. They will give it to you before the deadlines for each portfolio submission. There will be plenty of work for you to select from for the homeschooling reviews. You also may request to see the contents of the course portfolio at any time.